WSNC 2023 Online Member Exhibition

March 1 to April 15

2023 Online Member Exhibition Prospectus

With Judge Jane Blundell

Jane Blundell

Jane Blundell is a member of the Australian Watercolour Institute, Australia’s oldest watercolour society, and an exhibiting member of the Royal Art Society of New South Wales.

She is passionate about watercolour, the remarkable medium which 'allows the qualities of the pigments to become and integral part of the painting, rather than just to add colour'. She has been working with this medium for over 40 years. Her other love is line and drawing, whether in pencil or ink or even in watercolour. Her website and blog show her vast explorations, testing out most watercolours available in the world and exploring colour mixing with as almost scientific thoroughness. One of her colours has been released commercially and others are in the pipeline.

Her paintings are largely inspired by the natural world - flowers, trees, rocks and landscapes - but she also enjoys working in a more abstracted way and recent paintings take a common subject and transpose them into a totally new form.

Jane loves teaching and sharing her explorations and techniques. She teaches regular classes in person and online, as well as running workshops and demonstrations all over the globe.