WSNC 2008 Annual Juried Exhibition

The Greenville Museum of Art, Greenville, Charles Reid, juror

Place and Memorial Awards

Award Name
First Place Award Pat Holscher
Second Place Award Helga Beacham
Third Place Award Jeffrey Jakub
Fourth Place Award Margret Mueller
Fifth Place Award Kathy Gagnon
Past Presidents Award Susan Dade
Edwin & Mildred Voorhees Memorial Award Betty Brown
Alice Johnson LaRoque Stott Memorial Award Dee Standish
Georgia A. Newton Memorial Award Dixie Leibert
Sallie T. Griffin Memorial Award William James
Richard W. Tripp/Best Landscape/Memorial Memorial Award Richard Siegel
Richard W. Tripp/Best Landscape/Memorial Memorial Award Richard Siegel
WSNC Western Region Award Kathryn Rileigh

Purchase Awards

Award Name
Timberlake Arts in the School Purchase Award Wahl Coates Elementary School
Lisa Shaw
Sharlotte Smith
Matthew Thompson
Art & Graphics – UBE Purchase Award Margret Mueller
The Clement Companies Purchase Award Marianne Fischer
Dick Wayne

Merchandise Awards

Award Name
DaVinci Paint Co Award Lisa Shaw
M. Graham Watercolor Award Jane Voorhees
Purveyors of Art & Design Materials Award Vicki Hand
Daler-Rowney Award David Kessler
Daniel Smith Artists’ Materials Award Jane Carter
Cheap Joe’s Art Stuff Award William Ward Moseley
Cheap Joe’s Art Stuff Award Heidi White-DiBella
Art & Materials Award Russell Yerkes
Strathmore Paper Award Marla Rice-Evans
Canson Fine Papers Award Chuck McLachlan
Winsor & Newton Award Dianne Rodwell
HK Holbein Award David Stickel
Jack Richeson Award Betty Jane Ramsey
Jack Richeson Award Rodney Moser
Art & Graphics – UBE Purchas Award Veronica Samuel
Art & Graphics – UBE Purchas Award JJ Jiang
Art & Graphics – UBE Purchas Award Marlene Sykes
Jerry’s Artarama Award Carol Trotman
Purveyors of Art & Design Materials Award John W. Anderson
Graphik Dimension Award Suzanne Ellett
St Cuthberts Mill Award Brenda Behr
Golden Artists Award Gail Weinerth

Keep the Arts Alive Award

Hope Middle School
D. H. Conley High School