WSNC 2002 Annual Juried Exhibition


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Art 1 Gallery, Gastonia, Tom Francesconi, juror

Gail Henders-Weinerth watercolor painting

"Sisters"- Gail Henders-Weinerth

Place and Memorial Awards

Award Name
First Place Award Richard Siegel
Second Place Award Martha Smith Brooks
Third Place Award Nancy Taylor
Fourth Place Award Karol Tucker
Fifth Place Award Kristen Dill
Past Presidents Award Kristen Dill
Past Presidents Award David Stickel
Georgia A. Newton Memorial Award Darlene Redfoot
Alice Johnson LaRoque Stott Memorial Award Mary Crutchfield
Jean Pendergraft "Creative Spirit" Award Jane Hanck
Brom Memorial Award Jean Pendergraft
A. Stuffer Myers Memorial Award Jeffrey Jakub
Merit Award Jane Carter
Merit Award Lillian Parks
Merit Award Dee Standish
Merit Award Nancy Handlan

Watercolor painting of goats by Judith Renter

"Shadow Goats"- Judith Renter


Merchandise Awards

Award Name
Colson Printing Award of Excellence Rodney Moser
Jack Richeson Award Sue Byrne Russell
Cheap Joe's Art Stuff Merchandise Award Pat Holscher
Wainscott Frame & Gallery Award Dianne Rodwell
Daler-Rowney USA Award Laurie Taylor
Strathmore Artists Papers Merchandise Award Danie Janov
Dick Blick Merchandise Award Jeffrey Jakub
Golden Artist Colors Award Dixie Leibert
Winsor & Newton Merchandise Award Mildred Voorhees
DaVinci Paint Co. Award William Ward Moseley
Impact Images Certificate Award Phyllis Burns
Jerry's Artarama Award John Sweemer
St Cuthberts Mill Award Judy Rider

Purchase Awards

Award Name
Robert Goins Joy Miller Johnson
Bob & Kay Timberlake / Timberlake Art in the Schools Forestview High School
Susan Schuhmacher
Dixie Liebert